Please complete the form to request an institutional account.

Name and Address of Institution
Contact Details of Institution
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This is the e-mail address where all e-mails will be sent to: digitized documents as well as invoices.
If the e-mail address for your invoices differs from this address, please add an invoice address in the field "E-mail address for invoices".
Invoice Contact Details
Use institution address above also for invoices
Use institution e-mail address above also for invoices
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If the address for sending invoices by e-mail differs from your contact e-mail address, please add an invoice e-mail address.
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Swiss Library
Swiss libraries, regardless if they are SLSP libraries or not. Media centres and Archives also count as libraries. Libraries from commercial organizations are excluded from this user group.
Non-profit Organization (non-commercial organization)
e. g. NGOs, foundations, hospitals, university chairs, university departments.
VAT free non-profit Organization
VAT free Commercial Organization
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The User ID must start with a prefix depending on the organization type. Afterwards should follow the name of the institution consisting of 4-30 characters (letters, digits, and _). Special characters and spaces cannot be used.
You can modify the User ID (login name) directly in this field.
Note: The User ID cannot be changed anymore once the account has been created!
Contact Person
Send a copy of all notifications to this address
Library Card Numbers
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If your institution already has a library card from a library that is a member of SLSP, you can indicate it here and can continue using it.
Add the value below the bar code, e.g. "SLSP-000000XXXX
I consent to the data listed above being transmitted to and processed in swisscovery (the library management system operated by SLSP on behalf of the affiliated institutions).
For further information on the transmission and processing of your data within the framework of the library management system operated by SLSP on behalf of the affiliated institutions, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

Please note that when using library holdings or other library services, the terms of use of the specific library apply.
Required input

Please note: Institutional accounts need to be manually approved before they can be used. This may take a few business days.

Please note: Private individuals, please register here.